Love the popup feature in the demo version of your theme? All myb WordPress Themes support this feature which can easily be created and used with the Boxzilla plugin. Follow the steps below to implement it onto your new design.
How to set it up correctly
If you haven’t already installed the plugin via our Theme Wizard please navigate to Plugins → Add New and search for Boxzilla. Install and activate the plugin.
After the activation of the plugin you’ll should be able to see it on the right hand side of your WP dashboard. Click on Boxzilla → Add New.
In this step you now can start creating your ‘box’ popup. Style and design it to your gusto.
To demonstrate how we use the popup feature. I will give you an example with the Mailchimp Newsletter form.
First insert an image you like to display later in the popup. Afterwards please navigate to your Mailchimp opt-in forms tab and copy the short code of any newsletter you like to display in the popup box.
Paste the short code under the image of your newly created box.
The short code will look something like this:
[yikes-mailchimp form="XX"]
The XX is a number and the ID of the form so you’ll probably will have any number like 1, 2 etc.
Now we need to add a little bit code to the short code.
Please add title=”1″ description=”1″ into the brackets.
The new modified short code should look like this then:
[yikes-mailchimp form='XX' title='1' description='1']
Title and description of the short code need to have the value of 1 like seen above.
Please scroll down until you see the full option board called ‘box options’ below the box editor.
Now we’ll look at the settings and options for the popup appearance like on which pages it should popup etc.
In our example we use the settings of:
any, everywhere, center, fade in and never.
The settings will mean that the popup will appear on any page, it’s position is centered, it will fade in and it will never auto-show.
We switched off the auto-show because we use in our example the ‘Theme Menu Option’ to show an envelope icon at the nav bar. Whenever you click on the icon the popup will appear.
Of course you can set any other option if you like.
Now navigate to your MENU and choose the menu location you like to place the place the newsletter. In our case we use the mail envelope icon.
When you’re at your preferred menu location please add to your menu the option from the Boxzilla Pop-ups (your created ‘box’).
Don’t forget to save everything to secure your progress!